Did you know…
When your child exercises a hormone called endorphins are released from their pituitary gland, in other parts of the brain, making them feel good, decreasing their stress and boosting their energy. Each Fit Youth class has been designed to give children exactly what they need at the end of a big school day, exercise and lots fun!
When school work is done, it’s time for FUN!
Kickoff Date: Monday, March 1st for 4th-6th graders and on Tuesday, March 2nd for 1st-3rd graders.
Days/Times: M/W from 3:30 to 4:30pm for 4th-6th graders and T/TH from 3:30 to 4:30pm for 1st-3rd graders.
Location: Fit Culture Studio (Pioneer Park when the weather warms up)
Cost: 4-week camp $80.00 per kid