Reviews are great! Our approach is simple, we succeed because our members succeed.
In our busy world, it is easy to get distracted and forget about the value of health and a balanced life. I invite you to be part of the energy at Fit Culture Studio. We have a passionate team of experts committed to our mission and prepared to serving you in an encouraging environment.
Join us to commit, make connections, and condition your body for life!
1. What do I like most about Fit Culture? I love the fact that I can get a really great workout in 45 min. so I don’t have to devote a lot of time to get in shape.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture? I’ve converted fat into muscle, I’m much stronger than I was and I’ve have more confidence in myself.
3 How has your life changed because of these benefits? I eat better, I sleep better and the additional weight that I had on me for 19 years has finally disappeared. Thanks to Joey, John and Steve for pushing me to be a better me. You guys ROCK!!!!! – Jeannie K.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? It is easy to maintaining a regular workout schedule because I can always choose a convenient time to get my exercise in and the workouts are always challenging and enjoyable.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? More strength, stamina, and flexibility.
3. How have these benefits changed your life? I do a lot of hard work around the house and property and I can now do so with a lot fewer pains and strains which allows me to get more done and enjoy more hours in the day. – Tom M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I guess what stands out the most for me is the individual attention. I have been that girl at the back of the class trying to figure it all out and stumbling trying to keep up. When one of the trainers notices that I am struggling they are right there helping me through.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? 1. Mental clarity. I have never felt more focused and clear. 2. Confidence. I have achieved so much in my few months here – I have gained a confidence in myself that I never knew I could have. 3. Strength. It is remarkable how much stronger I feel, I do not recall in my entire life feeling this powerful.
3. How have these benefits changed your life? I am more efficient and I have found that I deal so much better with stressful situations. I doubt myself far less and while I always said that the excess weight never bothered me, it really did. I say “Yes” more to fun activities, frankly because I have shed that fear that I am inadequate. – Michelle M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? The variation that is provided. When trying to commit to a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just a short period of training, it helps immensely to have fresh workouts and new challenges to try out.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? Joey has been a longtime friend who is very passionate about ensuring a transformation in attitude as well as body. He is great at helping to keep me inspired and realizes that a balance must be reached between focus and demand of a training program. He motivates without pushing to the point of burnout.
3. What are some health and fitness goals you have achieved since training here? Fit Culture has helped me to continue striving toward a fitness level I have never previously reached. I don’t have set strength or weight goals to go by, but I feel great and that is most important to me. – Guy G.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I love the variety of the workouts and how efficient it is! I also love the community Joey and his crew have created. Not your typical gym.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? I feel stronger both physically and mentally since I joined FCS. I also appreciate the constant new challenges and competitions and the holistic reasonable approach to fitness and health. Finally, I like the results (to date I have lost 16 pounds, multiple inches on my thighs, waist and arms and I feel stronger, healthier and fit)!
3. How have these benefits changed your life? I had tried several different programs since getting out of my gym routine and found nothing held my interest or fit into my busy schedule. Although I would not classify myself as an exercise enthusiast I am FCS enthusiast. I now go a minimum of 3x per week, but more often 4 or even 5x per week because I love how it makes me look and feel. When people tell me I look good, I feel proud and delighted to be part of a great community filled with happy healthy people! – Julie B.
What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? The things I like most about Fit Culture are the motivating trainers, the targeted workouts and the many new and inspiring friends I meet with each workout.
What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? Where to start, there are so many benefits. The three biggest benefits from working out at Fit Culture are: I have a lot more energy, I’m getting stronger and feeling healthier and I enjoy drinking Shakeology (would probably not have tried it if it weren’t for Fit Culture.)
How have these benefits changed your life? When I first contacted Fit Culture I said “I’m not a gym person, can you help me with home workouts?” Joey was very accommodating. As it turns out, I now look forward to going to the gym, to go to running classes and spending time with others who want to do the same. – Barbara D.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Performance? What I like most about Fit Culture Performance would probably be the workout environment. All the staff is very helpful with technique and really getting the right movements. I also really like how you can get one-on-one coaching in a big class. The trainers are really helpful and make the workout fun. When I started the summer athletic program I wasn’t so happy about working out, but as the weeks went on, I found myself wanting to come back for more. Steve really helped with my technique and he also made the workouts fun. – Mason S.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? My first day of coming to Fit Culture Studio, I was nervous and afraid to talk through the door. I was afraid of being judged because I was out of shape and wouldn’t be able to keep up. But as soon as I walked in the door, it was the complete opposite! Everyone was very friendly and accepting. I now look forward to my work out every day. Every day is different and fun. You can modify the work out to what’s right for you and everyone is supportive and is always encouraging you to do your best.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? Fit Culture Studio has helped me become more confident with myself and has helped me meet and exceed my weight loss goals. I have gained a lot of strength from working out, which is something I never really had.
3. How have these benefits changed your life? Joining the Fit Culture Family has given me a whole new look on working out and becoming healthy. I never found anything I really enjoyed doing and hated to go the gym. Now I look forward to it every day! All the activities are challenging, but fun and you are never doing the same thing. You get a great work out in just 45 minutes and you make new friends! What’s better than that? – Veronica B.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? There are many things I like about Fit Culture Studio. I like that it is a quick paced class and that the class time is 45 minutes. This works for all of us busy people who have many things going on. I like that the exercises get changed up consistently so they don’t get boring and repetitive. I like the smaller group environment with an instructor who is able to show the correct forms for the exercise. I like the results that I am seeing.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? I made the decision to try Fit Culture because I believed the classes were the change I needed to get the results that I was not getting from working out on my own. I needed a change that would help to motivate me to attain a higher level of fitness.
3. What keeps you coming back on such consistent basis? I feel better both mentally and physically as a result of the Fit Culture classes and that makes me attend on such a regular basis. The classes are a great outlet after a stressful day. – Kennen P.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? What I most enjoy about Fit Culture is the welcoming atmosphere. You have succeeded greatly at making the ‘unfit’ welcome, and transforming us in the process.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? My tremendous respect for the Bratton family is what brought me through the doors initially. You have encouraged me to feel good about myself and try things that I never would have otherwise. Thank you for that Joey.
3. What keeps you coming back on such consistent basis? What keeps me coming is all of the above. For the first time I can use the words enjoy and exercise in the same sentence. I’ll never forget when you told me that my regular efforts at Fit Culture will make all my chores at home easier……it certainly has and I most sincerely thank you for that. – Mary U.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? Nick: At Fit Culture, the trainers set us up with exercises that allow us to achieve our maximum potential, while not sacrificing form. As a collegiate athlete, these workouts are putting me in a great position to help contribute to my team’s overall goal.
Anna: I love so many things about Fit Culture Studio…I’m addicted! I love that every day the class is different. The trainers change up the exercises to target different parts of the body each day so you not only get a complete body workout (and discover muscles you never knew existed!) but it’s almost impossible to get bored! I’ve always found it boring to spend hours in a conventional gym setting, but this class is so dynamic, it’s over before you know it and you can rest assured that you completed a GREAT workout Also, I love that the trainers allow you to go at your own pace and push yourself as you deem fit. He gives different variations of each exercise so that all fitness levels are able to get in a solid workout, whether you have never exercised before or you’re a body builder! Finally, I love that you can sign up for each class in advance because it makes me commit to a workout and makes me think twice before skipping (especially when I know you’ve already paid for the class!)
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? Nick: As a competitive athlete, being in shape year round is crucial. I play college lacrosse and it’s not just important to be strong but it is also important to have endurance and agility. After my first class at fit culture, I knew that I was going to get all of this from the classes. I have definitely gained endurance, agility and strength.
Anna: Before FCS, I had always known how to get in a good cardio workout, but I was always afraid of training with weights (and assumed its was only for body builders!). I’ve read so many articles about the benefits of resistance training, but never quite knew what exercises, weights, etc. to use. I heard about Fit Culture from a friend and knew it would be a great way to learn how to train with weights. Now I have become completely comfortable with weights and have learned so many new exercises (and none of them are done with those scary weight lifting machines you see at the gym!) – Nick and Anna H.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I like knowing I am getting a personal training workout at a faction of the cost. This not only allows me to get a better workout than I would on my own, but I also have a professional helping me correct my mistakes and get the most out of my time. – Ryan M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? Fit Culture has a welcoming, friendly and informative atmosphere along with a workout that never becomes boring! I was not one to stick to a real exercise regimen in the past due to lack of knowledge of correct form or motivation to branch out, so I was never able to stick to anything for to long. I was a couple years past the 40 mark and decided it was time to do something, I am not getting any younger! I have been coming to Fit Culture for a year and a half without a break and I have never been more proud of myself for my commitment and have never felt so young! The personal attention and motivation I receive from the trainers, along with the exercises that continually change and challenge me keep from never wanting to miss a class!
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? Since coming to Fit Culture I have gained more strength for daily tasks, more confidence in my self and increased knowledge of a healthy lifestyle through the added weight loss challenges or programs. I truly have not felt better about how far I have come and where I eventually will be! The staff and the other clients I work out with have made my journey to a healthier lifestyle one that is fun and challenging at the same time!
3. How have these benefits changed your life? Although I am far from reaching my ultimate goals, I feel like I am well on my way to reaching them! The weight loss programs have given me the information and jump start to healthier eating habits which is starting to rub off on my family. Along with my enthusiasm for my workouts. My son is now a client at Fit Culture and he loves it! We have even spent time comparing or challenging each other on our fitness levels! Family bonding! Never before have I felt healthier, stronger, younger and more in tuned with my body. There have been countless moments in the past year that I have said,”thank you Fit Culture” for giving me the courage, strength and mind set to accomplish so much!
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I really like the structure and variety of the Fit Culture workouts. Everyday is something new and challenging. It’s a supportive environment and that’s key for me.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? I was ready to try something new when I came to Fit Culture. I had heard great things about the studio and Joey, and the classes sounded different than what other facilities in the area offer.
3. What are some health and fitness goals you have achieved since training here? I’ve definitely paid more attention to my health since I’ve been at Fit Culture. The challenges have helped with that. I feel like I’ve found real balance with my workouts, nutrition and elements of wellness such as sleep, drinking water, etc. – Lauren M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? Fit Culture has such a fun environment that has challenged me to push to my full potential and I always feel comfortable there. Actually my favorite thing is the sore muscles that we all compare at work together. – Emily P.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? It’s a great workout in a very short amount of time. It’s fun, challenging, mood enhancing and innovative. When I walked through the door the first time I was totally out of shape—I’d been fearful of getting back into the gym after my hip replacement—and I was embarrassed by my lack of strength and agility. I didn’t want everyone looking at me like I was the one in the room who didn’t belong, as has been my experience in other fitness facilities. At Fit Culture Studio nobody judges. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. They help me modify moves as necessary and don’t make me feel self-conscious. And my fellow classmates…? Well, everyone is so busy working toward their own fitness goal that nobody takes time to judge others’ abilities. Everyone is encouraging without being competitive, which I appreciate.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? I’d been hearing quite a buzz about Fit Culture. Several friends and colleagues had mentioned it with such enthusiasm that I finally decided I should go see what all the commotion was about. I’m so glad I did!
3. What keeps you coming back on such a consistent basis? First and foremost, I feel really, really good after attending Flow at Fit Culture Studio. It challenges me and I’m experiencing amazing results—all in only 45 minutes a day! On the rare occasion that I miss a day I just don’t feel as good. The staff consists of exceptional people who appear to take pride in helping me succeed. One of my favorite moments was when John Hendrickson casually commented on how my planking had improved. I realized that this staff is actually paying attention to what I’m doing as opposed to just watching a timer. They’re looking out for my safety and well-being as well as noting progress. That’s unique. So to sum it up, the staff is always smiling, the routine is anything but, the facility is always clean and it just plain makes me feel good. What more could one ask in 45 minutes a day? – Joey J.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I really like the team effort. I know in the small group setting, we all work at our own pace, but having you there to guide us and encourage us is what I personally need. Furthermore, I love having my friends and family in class to give even more support. It just makes me feel proud to keep going. This is something I could have never found in a traditional gym setting. -Michelle O.
1. What do I like most about Fit Culture? I love the fact that I can get a really great workout in 45 min. so I don’t have to devote a lot of time to get in shape.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture? I’ve converted fat into muscle, I’m much stronger than I was and I’ve have more confidence in myself.
3 How has your life changed because of these benefits? I eat better, I sleep better and the additional weight that I had on me for 19 years has finally disappeared. Thanks to Joey, John and Steve for pushing me to be a better me. You guys ROCK!!!!! – Jeannie K.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? It is easy to maintaining a regular workout schedule because I can always choose a convenient time to get my exercise in and the workouts are always challenging and enjoyable.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? More strength, stamina, and flexibility.
3. How have these benefits changed your life? I do a lot of hard work around the house and property and I can now do so with a lot fewer pains and strains which allows me to get more done and enjoy more hours in the day. – Tom M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I guess what stands out the most for me is the individual attention. I have been that girl at the back of the class trying to figure it all out and stumbling trying to keep up. When one of the trainers notices that I am struggling they are right there helping me through.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? 1. Mental clarity. I have never felt more focused and clear. 2. Confidence. I have achieved so much in my few months here – I have gained a confidence in myself that I never knew I could have. 3. Strength. It is remarkable how much stronger I feel, I do not recall in my entire life feeling this powerful.
3. How have these benefits changed your life? I am more efficient and I have found that I deal so much better with stressful situations. I doubt myself far less and while I always said that the excess weight never bothered me, it really did. I say “Yes” more to fun activities, frankly because I have shed that fear that I am inadequate. – Michelle M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? The variation that is provided. When trying to commit to a healthy LIFESTYLE, not just a short period of training, it helps immensely to have fresh workouts and new challenges to try out.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? Joey has been a longtime friend who is very passionate about ensuring a transformation in attitude as well as body. He is great at helping to keep me inspired and realizes that a balance must be reached between focus and demand of a training program. He motivates without pushing to the point of burnout.
3. What are some health and fitness goals you have achieved since training here? Fit Culture has helped me to continue striving toward a fitness level I have never previously reached. I don’t have set strength or weight goals to go by, but I feel great and that is most important to me. – Guy G.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I love the variety of the workouts and how efficient it is! I also love the community Joey and his crew have created. Not your typical gym.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? I feel stronger both physically and mentally since I joined FCS. I also appreciate the constant new challenges and competitions and the holistic reasonable approach to fitness and health. Finally, I like the results (to date I have lost 16 pounds, multiple inches on my thighs, waist and arms and I feel stronger, healthier and fit)!
3. How have these benefits changed your life? I had tried several different programs since getting out of my gym routine and found nothing held my interest or fit into my busy schedule. Although I would not classify myself as an exercise enthusiast I am FCS enthusiast. I now go a minimum of 3x per week, but more often 4 or even 5x per week because I love how it makes me look and feel. When people tell me I look good, I feel proud and delighted to be part of a great community filled with happy healthy people! – Julie B.
What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? The things I like most about Fit Culture are the motivating trainers, the targeted workouts and the many new and inspiring friends I meet with each workout.
What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? Where to start, there are so many benefits. The three biggest benefits from working out at Fit Culture are: I have a lot more energy, I’m getting stronger and feeling healthier and I enjoy drinking Shakeology (would probably not have tried it if it weren’t for Fit Culture.)
How have these benefits changed your life? When I first contacted Fit Culture I said “I’m not a gym person, can you help me with home workouts?” Joey was very accommodating. As it turns out, I now look forward to going to the gym, to go to running classes and spending time with others who want to do the same. – Barbara D.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Performance? What I like most about Fit Culture Performance would probably be the workout environment. All the staff is very helpful with technique and really getting the right movements. I also really like how you can get one-on-one coaching in a big class. The trainers are really helpful and make the workout fun. When I started the summer athletic program I wasn’t so happy about working out, but as the weeks went on, I found myself wanting to come back for more. Steve really helped with my technique and he also made the workouts fun. – Mason S.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? My first day of coming to Fit Culture Studio, I was nervous and afraid to talk through the door. I was afraid of being judged because I was out of shape and wouldn’t be able to keep up. But as soon as I walked in the door, it was the complete opposite! Everyone was very friendly and accepting. I now look forward to my work out every day. Every day is different and fun. You can modify the work out to what’s right for you and everyone is supportive and is always encouraging you to do your best.
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? Fit Culture Studio has helped me become more confident with myself and has helped me meet and exceed my weight loss goals. I have gained a lot of strength from working out, which is something I never really had.
3. How have these benefits changed your life? Joining the Fit Culture Family has given me a whole new look on working out and becoming healthy. I never found anything I really enjoyed doing and hated to go the gym. Now I look forward to it every day! All the activities are challenging, but fun and you are never doing the same thing. You get a great work out in just 45 minutes and you make new friends! What’s better than that? – Veronica B.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? There are many things I like about Fit Culture Studio. I like that it is a quick paced class and that the class time is 45 minutes. This works for all of us busy people who have many things going on. I like that the exercises get changed up consistently so they don’t get boring and repetitive. I like the smaller group environment with an instructor who is able to show the correct forms for the exercise. I like the results that I am seeing.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? I made the decision to try Fit Culture because I believed the classes were the change I needed to get the results that I was not getting from working out on my own. I needed a change that would help to motivate me to attain a higher level of fitness.
3. What keeps you coming back on such consistent basis? I feel better both mentally and physically as a result of the Fit Culture classes and that makes me attend on such a regular basis. The classes are a great outlet after a stressful day. – Kennen P.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? What I most enjoy about Fit Culture is the welcoming atmosphere. You have succeeded greatly at making the ‘unfit’ welcome, and transforming us in the process.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? My tremendous respect for the Bratton family is what brought me through the doors initially. You have encouraged me to feel good about myself and try things that I never would have otherwise. Thank you for that Joey.
3. What keeps you coming back on such consistent basis? What keeps me coming is all of the above. For the first time I can use the words enjoy and exercise in the same sentence. I’ll never forget when you told me that my regular efforts at Fit Culture will make all my chores at home easier……it certainly has and I most sincerely thank you for that. – Mary U.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? Nick: At Fit Culture, the trainers set us up with exercises that allow us to achieve our maximum potential, while not sacrificing form. As a collegiate athlete, these workouts are putting me in a great position to help contribute to my team’s overall goal.
Anna: I love so many things about Fit Culture Studio…I’m addicted! I love that every day the class is different. The trainers change up the exercises to target different parts of the body each day so you not only get a complete body workout (and discover muscles you never knew existed!) but it’s almost impossible to get bored! I’ve always found it boring to spend hours in a conventional gym setting, but this class is so dynamic, it’s over before you know it and you can rest assured that you completed a GREAT workout Also, I love that the trainers allow you to go at your own pace and push yourself as you deem fit. He gives different variations of each exercise so that all fitness levels are able to get in a solid workout, whether you have never exercised before or you’re a body builder! Finally, I love that you can sign up for each class in advance because it makes me commit to a workout and makes me think twice before skipping (especially when I know you’ve already paid for the class!)
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? Nick: As a competitive athlete, being in shape year round is crucial. I play college lacrosse and it’s not just important to be strong but it is also important to have endurance and agility. After my first class at fit culture, I knew that I was going to get all of this from the classes. I have definitely gained endurance, agility and strength.
Anna: Before FCS, I had always known how to get in a good cardio workout, but I was always afraid of training with weights (and assumed its was only for body builders!). I’ve read so many articles about the benefits of resistance training, but never quite knew what exercises, weights, etc. to use. I heard about Fit Culture from a friend and knew it would be a great way to learn how to train with weights. Now I have become completely comfortable with weights and have learned so many new exercises (and none of them are done with those scary weight lifting machines you see at the gym!) – Nick and Anna H.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I like knowing I am getting a personal training workout at a faction of the cost. This not only allows me to get a better workout than I would on my own, but I also have a professional helping me correct my mistakes and get the most out of my time. – Ryan M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? Fit Culture has a welcoming, friendly and informative atmosphere along with a workout that never becomes boring! I was not one to stick to a real exercise regimen in the past due to lack of knowledge of correct form or motivation to branch out, so I was never able to stick to anything for to long. I was a couple years past the 40 mark and decided it was time to do something, I am not getting any younger! I have been coming to Fit Culture for a year and a half without a break and I have never been more proud of myself for my commitment and have never felt so young! The personal attention and motivation I receive from the trainers, along with the exercises that continually change and challenge me keep from never wanting to miss a class!
2. What are the three biggest benefits you’ve gained from working with Fit Culture Studio? Since coming to Fit Culture I have gained more strength for daily tasks, more confidence in my self and increased knowledge of a healthy lifestyle through the added weight loss challenges or programs. I truly have not felt better about how far I have come and where I eventually will be! The staff and the other clients I work out with have made my journey to a healthier lifestyle one that is fun and challenging at the same time!
3. How have these benefits changed your life? Although I am far from reaching my ultimate goals, I feel like I am well on my way to reaching them! The weight loss programs have given me the information and jump start to healthier eating habits which is starting to rub off on my family. Along with my enthusiasm for my workouts. My son is now a client at Fit Culture and he loves it! We have even spent time comparing or challenging each other on our fitness levels! Family bonding! Never before have I felt healthier, stronger, younger and more in tuned with my body. There have been countless moments in the past year that I have said,”thank you Fit Culture” for giving me the courage, strength and mind set to accomplish so much!
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I really like the structure and variety of the Fit Culture workouts. Everyday is something new and challenging. It’s a supportive environment and that’s key for me.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? I was ready to try something new when I came to Fit Culture. I had heard great things about the studio and Joey, and the classes sounded different than what other facilities in the area offer.
3. What are some health and fitness goals you have achieved since training here? I’ve definitely paid more attention to my health since I’ve been at Fit Culture. The challenges have helped with that. I feel like I’ve found real balance with my workouts, nutrition and elements of wellness such as sleep, drinking water, etc. – Lauren M.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? Fit Culture has such a fun environment that has challenged me to push to my full potential and I always feel comfortable there. Actually my favorite thing is the sore muscles that we all compare at work together. – Emily P.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? It’s a great workout in a very short amount of time. It’s fun, challenging, mood enhancing and innovative. When I walked through the door the first time I was totally out of shape—I’d been fearful of getting back into the gym after my hip replacement—and I was embarrassed by my lack of strength and agility. I didn’t want everyone looking at me like I was the one in the room who didn’t belong, as has been my experience in other fitness facilities. At Fit Culture Studio nobody judges. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. They help me modify moves as necessary and don’t make me feel self-conscious. And my fellow classmates…? Well, everyone is so busy working toward their own fitness goal that nobody takes time to judge others’ abilities. Everyone is encouraging without being competitive, which I appreciate.
2. What brought you into Fit Culture Studio? I’d been hearing quite a buzz about Fit Culture. Several friends and colleagues had mentioned it with such enthusiasm that I finally decided I should go see what all the commotion was about. I’m so glad I did!
3. What keeps you coming back on such a consistent basis? First and foremost, I feel really, really good after attending Flow at Fit Culture Studio. It challenges me and I’m experiencing amazing results—all in only 45 minutes a day! On the rare occasion that I miss a day I just don’t feel as good. The staff consists of exceptional people who appear to take pride in helping me succeed. One of my favorite moments was when John Hendrickson casually commented on how my planking had improved. I realized that this staff is actually paying attention to what I’m doing as opposed to just watching a timer. They’re looking out for my safety and well-being as well as noting progress. That’s unique. So to sum it up, the staff is always smiling, the routine is anything but, the facility is always clean and it just plain makes me feel good. What more could one ask in 45 minutes a day? – Joey J.
1. What do you like most about Fit Culture Studio? I really like the team effort. I know in the small group setting, we all work at our own pace, but having you there to guide us and encourage us is what I personally need. Furthermore, I love having my friends and family in class to give even more support. It just makes me feel proud to keep going. This is something I could have never found in a traditional gym setting. -Michelle O.